15 May 2010

Chapter 2 - The Real Deal

A long and rugged jacket, a beard which havent seen the razor for atleast a month, A bottle of half drunken whisky and a pair of shades that gave the guy a perfect "Give me one good reason to live" look. "Are you lost, sir?" asked one of the new faces in the force and the strange figured who entered the headquarters said, "Inform the chief, that Michael is here".

Robert had reached Vegas and Sarah took him to Steve. "Good to see you Rob" said Steve and his daughter who he last saw in tears during the trail, emerged from the dark corner of the living room. "So what is the next move?" asked Robert. "Go get some breakfast and get some rest, we will discuss it over dinner after two days at the Bellagio with some important people" was Steve's last words and everyone carried on with their works.

"We want you on the case as soon as possible" said the chief and Michael replied "I am here to start the damn thing, catch the guy and get it over with. I came in hoping to have something on mind other than July's last words. "Get me my batch and pistol and I am off". The chief did the necessary and introduced Elizabeth Stewart to Michael and said that she will be his partner in this case but Michael as always, declined the offer and started the investigation in "his way" and that meant alone.

The night at the Bellagio was as delightful as always. Rich business men were toying with money, models serving champagne and gaurds looking out to avoid any mishap that was bound to happen. Robert and Steve were in the far east of the casino, in a place very secluded and were awaiting a meeting. "I killed my wife because she deserved to die, Steve" said Robert in pain. Just when he started crying, the man who they were waiting for, arrived. It was none other than the chief of the force, who just hired the best cop in the entire American nation to hunt down Robert.

Finished with his interrogations with the people at the court where Robert was attacked and the hospital where Robert escaped, Michael was nowhere. He took his phone, dialed and asked for Elizabeth. 15 mins later, Elizabeth joined him in the hospital. She was tall, blonde and had an athletic body. She had an engagement ring in her fingers. "So you changed your mind, huh" said Elizabeth. "No, I wanted to see you without the chief" said Michael and they were in a conversation which lasted for 30 minutes and then parted in their own ways.

"I roped in Michael, just like you asked" said the chief. Sarah joined them soon and the dinner was underway. "Robert has only one more assignment, to kill Michael and all of us will be free after that, with Michael trying to get to us instead of the other way around, things are looking easier for us" said Sarah. "Its going to be a good hunt for either one of us" said Robert "and when Michael sees you in person, he will be in for a big surprise" chuckled Steve.

"Two bottles of  whisky please" asked Michael in a pub. "You must be ridiculously jobless, to get a drink in the middle of the day" said the bartender. Michael paid the guy and left. He took home some files with him, which he asked Elizabeth to get him.


Anonymous said...

Awaiting the next 13

Shriram said...

machan, 1 episode elutharthu kulla na padra kashtam enaku than da theriyum :P i ll finish before this month da :D

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